Your DVD Is in the Mail

It’s true, if you’re in either my ‘Allegro Player’s or my ‘Beginner’s Circle,’ and that’s a very good chunk of readers of this newsletter, you DO have a DVD heading your way.

So get those old ‘My Favorite Martian’ episodes out of your DVD player and get set to take your Playing to another planet.

Now, at the moment I’m sitting in ‘The Conservatory,’ next to MGM/Sony Studios, getting a dose of high-octane espresso. In 2 hours a 100 strong orchestra of Hollywood’s finest will begin recording music for the next ‘Star Trek’ film.

Should be quite a few notes in this score, and rest assured, I’ll be putting into practice Everything that gets talked about on those very same DVDs coming to your mailbox in a few days.

And it’s powerful stuff. From bow management to upper arm control, from an introduction to baroque ornaments to the expressive slides perfected by Heifetz; those little discs are going to open up your playing in some wonderful ways.

Tomorrow I’ll give you an insider report on the score for what will be a hit movie. Meanwhile, I must leave you now and get these old hands scampering around a fingerboard instead of a laptop keyboard.

Have yourself a beautiful day.

Oh yes, if you’ve been thinking of getting into one of the programs mentioned above, now’s the time to do it. This month I complete a full year of Beginners Circle instruction. It’s a watershed moment. For a full year I’ve been holding the fee down on this course, yet I must increase it soon.

And the Allegro Players, for lower-intermediate players just keeps getting hotter every month. This month the ‘repertoire’ includes the inimitable transcription Heifetz made of Claude Debussy’s ‘Beau Soir.’ It is a masterpiece, and I take you through it measure by measure to enjoy every drop of juice in it.