Why I’ve Been Singing Like a Banshee

During my sojourn here in So Cal I’ve had a daily commute to make from my sister’s house in ‘the valley’ over the Santa Monica mountains, down the Coast Hwy, and into Culver City, where sits MGM/Sony studios.

I’ve been filling much of the time singing at the top of my lungs – with the windows up, mind you.

I’m doing this for three reasons. One, and this is of the least interest I’ll admit, is to see what I can actually do with the mediocre instrument nature his given me.

The second, however, might just get your ears perking up – though maybe not as much as if you were riding shotgun in my car.

You see, most of the vocalizing I’m doing is in my falsetto voice, at the extreme top end of it. In order to get any sound out whatsoever I’m pushing a ton and a half of air through my vocal chords.

And you should know what the ‘power source’ for pumping all that air is.

Yep, it’s the diaphragm muscle, which happens to divide your chest from your abdomen. I think most physiologists would agree that this muscle is second only to the heart in importance to your wellbeing on this planet.

Mine’s been getting a first-rate workout each morning of late.

And finally there is all that wonderful oxygen being swept in and out of my lungs. Wow, I’m feeling real good when I park the car and swing my legs out of the driver’s door.

And you will too, once you give this a try.

Now there’s just one last thing to be said here. Those of you with even one course of mine will know how to connect fully with your diaphragm. But if you haven’t yet gotten with a program – time to get a move on you if you haven’t – you might seriously want to consider ordering Dynamic Breath Control for Violinists. You’ll then be fully equipped to improve your health AND your sound, phrasing, and overall enjoyment of violin. Here’s the link to acquire one of only a few remaining copies. http://www.violinmastery.com/order_breathcontrol.htm

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. When you receive the Dynamic Breath Control for Violinists DVD you’re going to find some very useful info on the bow arm and violin hold as well. I’ve had advanced players tell me how useful this has been to them. Goes to show how important the basics really are.