Why I’m Out of Breath

Afraid I don’t have much time to chat these several days, so I thought I’d send out a note explaining why you haven’t and won’t be seeing another newsletter from me, least through the weekend.

The thing is, I’m enthusiastically working on month 9 of the ‘Allegro Players.’ This month the focus is on two Very Important aspects of technique; shifting and fingering selection.

The latter is something that falls by the wayside in a lot of teaching studios. Many teachers are just too occupied with getting notes in tune. Well, I’ve got news for you. It’s a Whole lot easier to play in tune when you’ve organized your hand well; that is, when the fingerings facilitate good intonation instead of working against it.

My second interest this month is in the mechanics of shifting, particularly shifting to and from the higher positions.

I’ll be shedding quite a bit of light on this one.

The trick is to understand the moments of the whole left arm, not just the fingers, wrist, and to a lesser extent the forearm in the upper positions. The upper arm and shoulder are involved too, and if left out of the equation will limit your effectiveness big time.

We’re going to look closely at how to nit them together into a smooth, seamless platform for your digits spring from.

So this is new, and I believe highly illuminating territory we’re getting into this month.

Oh yes, you might be interested in this as well. While in creation mode I’ll be just too occupied to bring down the great Saleabration currently on. That means you can still run over and get a whopping 40% discount on the normal tuition for this one-of-a-kind instructional violin program. Here’s what you need.

Act now, and what I’m burning onto DVD in the next couple days will be in YOUR living room in no time – along with 8 additional months of cutting edge violin instruction.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Beginners to the violin path are taken care of in spades with the ’Beginners Circle’ program, where you’re taken from out-of-the-case-for-the-first-time to real proficiency in the lower 3 positions – the ‘money positions’ as veteran studio cats call them! This musical adventure is ALSO reduced 40%, but only for a short time more.