Allegro Players Monthly
8 Monthly Payments of $23.00 ($184.00 total)

Immediate access to all forty-eight richly detailed video lessons
PDFs of sheet music & comprehensive written notes
(to keep your practice sessions on track),
and recorded piano accompaniments to all performance pieces.

Note: You may cancel at any time,
Permanent access granted upon receipt of 8th payment.

Allegro Players Lifetime
One Time Payment - $168.00

Immediate access to all forty-eight richly detailed video lessons
PDFs of sheet music & comprehensive written notes
(to keep your practice sessions on track),
and recorded piano accompaniments to all performance pieces.

Note: I’m so confident you’re going to love this program I am offering it with a 30-day money back guarantee if, for any reason, the course does not meet with your satisfaction.

Dear friend, Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Clayton Haslop. And though you may never have heard my name prior to coming to this website, the chances are that you have heard my playing. You see, I have performed on the soundtracks of well over 1000 movies, often as concertmaster (if you saw Up, Ratatouille, Avatar, and Titanic you heard my solos in the musical scores). I have also served as concertmaster for the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Los Angeles Opera, and Dallas Opera, and have toured widely and recorded with several nationally recognized chamber music ensembles (Los Angeles Piano Quartet, Haslop/Sanders Duo, and New Hollywood String Quartet).

In my fifties, I began producing instructional DVD courses on violin playing. Over several years I recorded hundreds of videos, spread over six programs and serving every stage of violin mastery.

Who is a Good Candidate for the Allegro Players?

For the answer to this, consider the following:

  • Are you familiar with the first three positions on the violin?

  • Do you have some familiarity with double stop playing?

  • Have you worked through my "Beginners Circle" Program?

  • Could you benefit from a brush-up on the fundamental bow strokes, such as martelé, detaché, and spiccato?

  • Do you aspire to play with greater ease, a more beautiful tone, and with greater musicality than you do at present?

  • Are you anxious to INCREASE your technique, learn the upper positions, or acquire the secret of velocity and spot-on intonation?

  • Would you also enjoy playing the REAL compositions of Schubert, Mozart, Bach, Kreisler, and the other great composers of classical music?

  • And finally – are you CRAZY about the violin, and do you want to be the best violinist you can possibly be?

If you have said “yes!” to a number of these, then you’re exactly the type of player for whom Allegro Players has been created.

The Allegro Players program was created in 2009-10 as a follow-on from my highly successful Beginners Circle course. As such it contains all the instruction necessary to progress from a lower- intermediate level of playing to a very proficient intermediate level. As with Beginners Circle, it is comprised of progressive, weekly video lessons, sheet music, written notes, and accompaniment audio recordings.

And, though it was conceived as a comprehensive second (or third) year of study for users of its predecessor, it is not essential that one takes on “Allegro Players” only after completing that course. “Allegro Players” has been used by many an adult amateur new to looking to raise the level of their game.

“It just wouldn’t be right not to share with you the happiness I experienced with my violin practice today. I can’t believe the difference in my playing since I got your Allegro Players DVD’s.“The lessons floored me. I can’t believe the things you covered. You went over all the things I needed. No other violin teacher has ever covered the basics like you do.
“In the whole 5 years I’ve been playing, I’ve never felt confident, or in control of my playing, finger placements, etc. I can’t believe what I’ve acquired in such a short time with you. You are the greatest, thanks so much!”

Sample Lesson from Course – Month 2 – Week 1

What You Can Expect from the Allegro Players Program

  • Greater left-hand fluency, and the ability to play fast while remaining relaxed

  • Stronger, more expressive tone production

  • Skill and ease playing in the upper positions

  • Secrets of performance preparation; how to feel comfortable playing for others

  • Deepened awareness of phrasing and aspects of “musicality”

  • Increased vibrato control – especially as it relates to rhythmic security

  • Mastery of standard bowing techniques – spiccato, martelé, detaché, up-bow spiccato, etc.

  • Secure, reliable intonation

  • Rock-solid sense of time

  • Proficiency with double, triple and quadruple stopping, and much, much more…

A Little More of the Violin Mastery Backstory

When I began recording the Violin Mastery courses, way back in 2006, they were issued on hard copy; DVDs, CDs, printed sheet music, and notes. Nobody was storing this kind of content on the internet! Gradually, as folks began selling their DVD players and moving toward streaming on ‘smart’ devices, it became clear that I needed to get with the times – while violin techniques are timeless, technology moves on!

The impetus to make the change finally arrived by way of my close friend and new partner in Violin Mastery, Doug Cameron. Not only is Doug a phenomenal jazz violinist, composer, arranger, teacher, and all-around great guy, he has also made of himself a fine recording engineer and video editor! Late in 2020, we began systematically uploading both his and my instructional courses onto the web. This has been a game-changer for us as now we can offer our courses to a new generation of players at prices up to 70% less than previously. For self-motivated learners there simply has never been a better time for pursuing your love of the violin. Come take a look at the two options for getting started right now with the Allegro Players program.

Allegro Players Monthly
8 Monthly Payments of $23.00 ($184.00 total)

Immediate access to all forty-eight richly detailed video lessons
PDFs of sheet music & comprehensive written notes
(to keep your practice sessions on track),
and recorded piano accompaniments to all performance pieces.

Note: You may cancel at any time,
Permanent access granted upon receipt of 8th payment.

Allegro Players Lifetime
One Time Payment - $168.00

Immediate access to all forty-eight richly detailed video lessons
PDFs of sheet music & comprehensive written notes
(to keep your practice sessions on track),
and recorded piano accompaniments to all performance pieces.

Note: I’m so confident you’re going to love this program I am offering it with a 30-day money back guarantee if, for any reason, the course does not meet with your satisfaction.

Nick Ittzes - Hillsboro, Missouri

“When the first Kreutzer package came I opened it right away, followed the simple instructions about breathing, counting, fingering, intonation, etc., and noticed an immediate and surprising ease of playing. I think working through your Kreutzer in tandem will allow me to do more than learn a difficult piece, but will increase my fundamental technique as well. That will come in handy, since I have been asked to teach some Masterclasses at a Czech conservatory this coming summer. Kreutzer is going with me.”

Rebecca Bunnell - 1st Violinist, Hollywood Bowl Orchestra

“As a professional violinist I can’t tell you how much your Kreutzer DVDs are elevating my overall technique. Revisiting these old friends with you has helped me learn orchestral music more rapidly and completely than every before. Thank you!”

LaDonna Taylor - San Antonio, Texas

“I read your ad in Strings magazine and will be forever grateful that I ordered the Kreutzer course.I was practicing, but knew that I needed help with my playing. I was deceived in thinking that because I travel so much and my schedule was so full that it was impossible to connect with a teacher for instruction to improve my technique. I now carry your instructional DVD’s and CD’s on my video iPod and watch and listen to them while I am waiting in airports, on flights or riding the train. I look forward to my practice time each day as I pick up my violin and apply what I have listened to earlier in the day. “I know I have so much work to and still need a lot of help, but I also know that I have made tremendous progress in the area of relaxation and my practice techniques. My playing has really begun to improve. I highly recommend your course to violinists.”

Brian Gompels - London

“This last weekend I was playing the second violin in the slow movement of Beethoven’s Op 127. Your counting technique in the Kreutzer course was very much in my mind whilst playing and I was grateful to you! It helped a lot.

“A few years ago I started lessons with a well-known London quartet leader and much of my lesson time is taken up on concentrating on bow technique and sound quality. Your DVDs compliment that teaching and makes me think afresh on the problems of playing the violin.”

Betty Widerski - Boston, Massachusetts

“As a violinist in rock/pop/folk bands I need be able to perform over 50 songs from memory during a typical 3-hour club show. While making it look effortless I must pay close attention to the other band members.

I’ve found your imaging technique useful in helping me to focus on what I need to be doing while performing in what can be a very chaotic environment.”

William Paquin - Kenosha, Wisconsin

“Although I have only been your Kreutzer Course for a short time (two months) I have enjoyed your instructions very much & know that I am receiving a great benefit from their use. The ability to view your playing of each etude, along with your explanation of their execution is providing me with both inspiration and some musical understanding regarding execution that was escaping me until now. As the forty-two etudes are extremely demanding, I am confident that they will provide me with a rich variety of musical challenges and experiences in the years to come. Once again, thanks for taking the time to provide aspiring violinists with such quality learning tools.”

Dr. A.R. Rassar

“I have already seen a part of your instructions on how to achieve a high degree of ability to play on violin. I must confess that what you are doing is really fantastic and must be appreciated by all musicians, particularly those concerned with violin. You are doing a great job and I have recommended your DVDs to all my students.”