Upcoming Performances

Doug & Alex Cameron

Hope you’re all getting ready to enjoy the upcoming Holiday Season. This Friday, December 17th we’re headed to El Dorado, Arkansas to perform our Christmas Show with The South Arkansas Symphony under the direction of Maestro Kermit Poling. He’s a great guy and a fantastic conductor and musician. Looking forward to working with him again. The last time I performed with his orchestra I didn’t have a family, so I’m proud to be performing with them. If you’re in the area we’d love to see you there!

After that, we’re all flying from Arkansas to The Canary Islands off the coast of Spain to join The Azamara Journey to perform our Christmas show for them. Since cruising has come back, I’ve taken three contracts. It’s good to be back performing. It’s in my blood and I’ve missed it.

It’s been an interesting year for all of us. We have taken this time during the pandemic to concentrate on music. Alex & Sean have both made some great strides. Sean is doing great on the saxophone and has won the lead alto position in the Florida Allstate Big Band. There are only 5 saxes (2 Altos) in a big band, and from the whole state of Florida, he was chosen for first alto after playing the sax for only 2 years! His background on the violin certainly helped. Alex has been winning and placing in concerto competitions playing The Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto. He will also be in the Allstate Orchestra this year. Here are a few fun links. Alex dueling with guitarist Tom Voli on Carol of The Bells and Silent Night at First Assembly of God and a duet with Alex, Johnathan Sawyer and, Me on Oh Holy Night at last year’s Christmas Eve Concert. Alex is six feet tall now and is taller than me!

Doug Cameron