The Possibilities in a Moment

Yesterday Tania and I visited with friends. Being music lovers they asked me to play.

Now, just to give you some context, we’d gotten together to do a little planning for a seminar on ‘prosperity thinking’, which will be conducted in Asheville next month by a very wise fellow named Peter Ragnar.

Our conversation had rather a philosophical bent to it – we’d just been musing on how one’s thoughts tend to become one’s reality. An interesting notion, to say the least.

After a few moments reflection on this, I was invited to play.

What came to mind was the 24th Caprice of Paganini. I had spent some time on it that morning, and thought I would test myself in this impromptu performance.

What I was not expecting, as I presented the theme, was how our conversation would inform and transform all that followed.

As I began moving through the variations I was struck at how each represented an entirely new and unique possibility that could emerge from the theme.

If the theme was seen as a moment in time, the variations were aural representations of the infinite possibilities that could spring from it.

Feeling that freedom as I moved from one to the next gave my performance a freshness and spontaneity that was quite remarkable.

The ‘colors’ and moods we all enjoyed could not have been calculated ahead of time. All I found myself doing was surrendering to moment, and going with the flow.

It also reminds me of Louis Pasteur’s famous line, ‘Chance favors the prepared mind.’

Well, I got myself prepared – as much as one can in an hour or so – yesterday morning. Then I allowed ‘chance’ to work its magic.

To get yourself prepared for a lifetime of violinistic possibilities add ”Kreutzer for Violin Mastery” to your library. You’ll absolutely love the results.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop