The Holy Grail, or Just Plain Fun

For each of us the study of the violin means something slightly, or dramatically, different. Some find it ‘neat’. Others, like myself, have expanded the activity in our minds and made of it a grand metaphor – a kind of search for an aural ‘Holy Grail.’

‘So, what makes for the more successful violinist,’ you might ask.

Not necessarily the latter, it may just depend on the ears of the listener. After all, we are the way we are.

For myself, however, I have a good dose of the latter in me. And it does affect the way I practice the violin. Big time.

Here’s what I mean.

You see, for me the whole grail thing was never really about a cup, per se. It was always a metaphor. And as it pertains to my violin playing the search is about making myself into a worthy vessel for perfected sound/music.

It’s a process that is and will be ongoing. Now I am closer, tomorrow I may be further away. The following day I will again come back strong. And so it proceeds.

It’s a search for a Platonic ideal. And it has contained a good measure of joy, fun, heart-ache, frustration, and satisfaction in the bargain.

The important thing is to stay in touch with your love for it. Out of that love is born the patience, perseverance, passion, courage – there are risk to be taken, mind you – and compassion – especially for yourself, on the bad days to keep moving forward.

May Fortune smile brightly on your journey.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. If you’re set to sail on the voyage of a lifetime, the Violin Mastery Beginners Circle is the ship you want to be on.