The Fantasy of Desire

Last night, after a visit with a good friend, I walked out to my car, opened the door, sat down, swung my legs in, and turned on the ignition. I was greeted by the radio booming the most climatic moment of one of the most dramatic chamber music masterpieces ever written – the ‘B’ section of the final movement of the Brahms Piano Quintet in F Minor.

I’ll tell you, the emotional impact of the music hit me like a tidal wave. WHAM.

As I continued listening I realized it was also an exceptionally good recording; emotionally charged, well paced, well tuned, beautifully nuanced, just brilliant.

Of course, having played to piece on many occasions, I had the immediate, clear and present DESIRE to do so again.

I could Feel my hands on the notes, the shifts, and bow strokes as they came through the speakers. I wanted to shout, cry, laugh, all at the same time.

At the end, after cooling off for a few minutes, I realized that my desire was going to remain just that. Desire.

At least for now.

You see, I realized that I had a decision to make, to bring my will power to bear on the notion, and move forward with it decisively, or to let it go without regret.

I chose the latter.

You see, my will power is quite engaged acting on other desires. It’s busy creating and placing powerful images in my mind that pull me toward the satisfaction of these desires.

These are the ones that won’t be surrendered. That won’t fall into the dustbin of fantasy.

If mastering the violin is one of your great desires, and you’ve made the decision to act, then you want to support the power of your will with the best images you mind can entertain.

I think you’ll find many of them in the programs for self-study that I offer on my website. For a complete list you’ve only to click over to my home page at

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Recently I was asked how to improve one’s vibrato. Kreutzer, Vol. 3 has a good deal to say about this important expressive device. And there’s an excellent exercise I provide for making it happen.