The Dream Course for Beginners

Yes, it’s finally ready to go. As you know, to date my courses have been directed toward the intermediate and advanced players. Now I’m going back and picking it up right from the get-go – from where the violin comes out of the case for the first time.

And though it is primarily geared for the adult student, I can also see this program working very well for families in which a parent – or two! – want to take the violin journey along with their child.

It’s also a program (A), for people who are on a budget and can’t afford weekly lessons (B), for busy folks with unpredictable schedules that make weekly lessons impossible, (C), for self-motivated learners that don’t need a teacher standing over them each week telling them the same darned things over and over, and (D) for people who have played for some time, but sense a need to ‘take it from the top’ with a master player showing them all the right moves.

Oh yes, when you belong to the “Violin Mastery Beginners Circle” you will have a unique access to me through which I can address your personal questions. I will also be sending out a private newsletter twice a week to circle members. In it will be information tailored to the beginning and elementary level violinist.

I think I said enough about it here. If you want onboard you’ve only to click on the link just below.

One last thing, if you don’t have an instrument on which to begin you needn’t worry – got that base covered. When you’ve completed the order form you will be provided a link to a wonderful violin house located in Burlington Vermont. I know these people and they can set you up a quality instrument to rent, lease, or own in a matter of days.

So, come on over, read the whole story, and climb on board.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. If you played in the past but need a little push to get you off your duff, just have a look at my ’Ten Health and Well-being Benefits’ of playing the violin.