The 500 Things Not to Think While Playing

Well, you might not believe this – I have difficulty myself – my computer tells me this is newsletter number five Hundred.

That’s the magna 5-0, who can appreciate that sort of thinking.

So the question I asked myself, as I settled into thinking of a topic, is, ‘Have I learned anything NEW in all this.’ And as soon as the question was asked the answer came flooding to me in a resounding yes, yes, YES.

So that felt good.

I thought, ‘why not celebrate by writing up the top 500 things I think about while playing.’ And then, as a little smile passed over my lips I though, ‘Ah, maybe the number’s too small.’

I mean, over the years hasn’t my mind wandered to over a million different things while I fiddled the hours away, most of which had nothing to do with violin playing.

Yes, guess I did do that a lot at one time.

On the other hand, doesn’t happen too much now. And that’s essentially the message of the day; shrinking the number of thoughts that get between you and mastering how the violin and YOU tick.


Violin playing is a real-time skill, as I’ve said before. For it you must have a real-time mindset. That means a high level of awareness as to what your body is feeling and doing. It also means supplying a great amount of intention each and every moment it’s under your chin.

And finally, it means keeping score. You’ve got to be present enough to gain instruction when intention meets with less total satisfaction.

My feeling about achievement is this. If you can Think it, and it Matters for you to have it, then it’s there for the taking.

The mind can move mountains, my friends. It’s the most powerful muscle in the human body.

So let’s open our case and have a Ball with it!

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Fact is, there ARE about 500 things I’ve learned about playing since I began creating instructional DVD courses. And I’m going to cherry pick the best and juiciest to have on-site when folks show up for the Sedona Masterclass/Seminar next month. It really is the place to sort out any and all unresolved playing issues. And to receive the musical and inspirational council of a Milstein protégé. Come get registered NOW.