• Doug Cameron

    Performance Reviews

“We just finished a show with Doug Cameron and his two sons. The house gave 5 standing ovations. We have shows every month and have NEVER had 5 standing ovations.”

“The energy between Doug and his sons is really magical and really speaks to an audience.”

“The students eyes were glued to Doug and Alex during their masterclass. I know they were really inspired by their appearance here in Dubois.”

“You are doing meaningful work in the world, and at such a young age! Impressive…And you sound awesome!! Course, It’s in your DNA! haha.”

“Your playing is sincere and musical and your video is tremendously charming. It deeply moved me.”

“His music is just incredible, so the big difference is we have this amazing variety of music in our performance.”

“One of the things that struck me about Doug was his passion and energy he had for connecting young people to music. His passion, energy at our youth concert engaged the kids in ways they will never forget.”

“I think it’s his personality and the uniqueness of what he does, what he brought to our community and what he brought to the students. He did something very special for our community.”

“He has a tremendous grasp of a million different styles. That’s what makes it so exciting.”

“He plays a classical instrument, but he does it in a way that is really attractive to a broader audience, so the styles of music that he plays from jazz to country to Latin to rock really brings in a wide spectrum of audience.”