Keeping the Breath Alive

I’m always happy when an email elicits response from subscribers. It confirms that I am reaching other passionate individuals – a very good thing.

The night afore last I received this query. ‘Is there a systematic breath-in breath-out during playing (like on upbeats/downbeats) or is it just something that you figure out instinctively?’

In truth, I have a few answers to this.

When I am in learning mode, and counting as I play, I take quick belly breaths in between beats as needed.

When isolating a particularly difficult move, like jumping from a very high note to a low note quickly and seamlessly, I will first master it out of context. I know I want the move to be as efficient as possible. Therefore, I execute it at the same moment I draw breath from my diaphragm – you will remember that 2 days ago I mentioned that the ‘in’ breath produces the strongest ‘let go’ reflex, and that is what I want working for me. If you don’t know why, hope over to Violin Secrets and read ‘The Power of Breath, Part 2’.

When I am performing, I just stay conscious of my breathing and count mentally. My breath flows with the music.

Does it seem like a lot? Maybe at first it is. Fact is, though, you will find your playing quickly morphs into something much more satisfying and, to barrow again from Mozart, ’inherently musical’.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Got something big on the horizon. Hint – you don’t want to make any plans for Martin Luther King weekend in 2007. In the meantime, love what you’re doin’.