‘It Just Flows To Go You’

A couple of days ago I wrote that great fundamentals were ‘inherently musical.’ Well, I’ve been a thinkin’ further about ‘musical’ fundamentals, specifically about how they trigger the release of ‘feel good’ neuro-transmitters, in you, and your listeners.

Take drawing a clear, effortless tone on the violin. To do so, you yourself must be relaxed and free of tension. Your muscles must move in a focused and coherent manner.

They must embody ‘flow.’

When ‘flow’ registers in the conscious mind, ‘feel good’ neuro-transmitters are released.

Take a moment and picture yourself watching a violinist drawing such effortless strokes; just a moving picture, no sound. Focus on his or her hand moving through space, the forearm and upper arm just accommodating the hand movement, smooth and easy.

Are you feeling the effect of those neuro-transmitters? That is because your mind does not know the difference between what you’re conjuring in your imagination and the real stimulus of seeing a live person doing the same action.

In other words, if you were experiencing a pleasurable feeling during that simple bit of guided imagery – I hope you were – then it demonstrates that someone observing you play in this manner would likely experience the same feelings of pleasure.

I find that very cool.

And this was just the visual. Combine the visual with a pure, perfectly tuned tone and you are talking not just pleasure but transporting pleasure. The kind that gives chills and, in my opinion, confirms the meaningfulness of our life on this planet.

The moral of the story is; the more relaxed and fluid your playing is, the greater the pleasure you and your audience experience. ”Kreutzer for Violin Mastery, Vol. 1” will optimize your ‘flow’ in record time.

I think Mozart would approve.

All the best,
Clayton Haslop

P.S. I know I’m preachin’ to the choir here. But what other activity can bring more joy into this world than beautiful to watch, beautiful to listen to playing on a violin.