In Tune and In Time

It’s a catchy little phrase I see over the door of the music dept. each time I visit Fox studios for film sessions. And it certainly speaks to two of a string player’s largest concerns.

So how to get ‘in tune’? Why, increase the use of your creative powers of visualization when you practice. It should be fun and relaxing if, that is, you let go of expectations of perfection that get you nowhere, and fast.

When you play a note out of tune you merely see it as an opportunity to better learn the location of that note. Once you have it, take a mental picture of how the hand and fingertip feel resting on the correct pitch.

Next time around be sure to have that image in mind as you come to the note. Yes, it can take a few tries. But on each attempt you merely add enthusiasm – another word for focus – to the image until you have it.

Matter of fact, one of the very best things you can do for your playing is to spend quality time playing at a tempo you can visualize each and every note before you play it.

Those of you who have ”Kreutzer for Violin Mastery” know just what information the visual image should contain.

Speaking of such, the PAGANINI course will be shipping in today’s mail to all that have ordered it. I wish you much success with it. And please, keep me posted as to your results.

All the best,
Clayton Haslop