In Tune And In Time

The title of this newsletter, ‘In Tune And In Time’ is a catchy little phrase I see every time I work at Fox Pictures – they’re framed and hang over the entrance to the music department.

Playing in tune and in time are the two greatest concerns of a string player. For me, the process of mastering them is a great source of pleasure and satisfaction. If you feel otherwise I must submit to you that you’re in danger of spoiling your relationship to the violin.

Just stay with me for a moment.

When we hear ourselves play an out of tune note it’s akin to registering pain due to the misuse of our body. It’s a sign that we need to alter something we’re doing. If we didn’t experience pain we would continue the abuse until bodily failure occurred. There would be no internal growth or transformation.

Growth and maturity happen when we learn to make corrections.

The same is true of playing. If we’re conscious while practicing we’ll not only hear sour notes but also be aware of the finger sensations that went along with them. Awareness leads to more informed adjustments, and to clearer intentions at the next playing.

It is all about waking up, really.

Though sometimes we convince ourselves otherwise, increased self-awareness is what we are all seeking.

On a more personal note, let me briefly describe what I experienced this morning. I arose very early in order to record while the house and neighborhood were quite. My current project, which you will hear more about soon, is about creating instructional DVDs on repertoire that works well with Kreutzer for Violin Mastery – a good reason to pick up your copy, if you don’t already have one.

One of the pieces is the Bach E Major ‘Preludio’. In any case, after doing a couple hours of work on the teaching side of things I tried to perform it. First couple of takes were really rough, I felt tired.

Suddenly it dawned on me that I was trying to avoid making mistakes. I wasn’t engaged. The last two takes were like a different player. I just said to myself, ‘Alright, just physically produce what you are able to image.’ That was all it took to get into an affirmative mode of thinking; a creative state. It made all the difference.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. The Violin Artistry Masterclass/Seminar will be a one of a kind opportunity to get into this space with me for 3 days. Having me next to you drawing attention to each trick the insecure subconscious mind plays in its attempt to foil self-awareness will transform more than just your playing. There are a few seats still remaining; come join me.