How To Snuggle Your Neck

I’m not talking about snuggling Your neck, but rather the neck of your violin, and with your left hand. Yes, a nice warm, fuzzy feeling that brings relaxation and fluidity to your playing.

This morning I put a couple of ‘bonus chapters’ on the Vol. 3 instructional DVDs. The first, something many subscribers have sought clarification on, is dedicated to holding the violin with the left hand.

I think you’re going to love the increased ease and pleasure it brings to your playing.

And by the way, the technique is very much in the Russian tradition (Auer, Milstein, Heifetz, etc.) and is an essential part of the fluidity and facility those masters enjoyed.

Chapter two is on acquiring a relaxed, well-formed vibrato. First I demonstrate and explain the exact movement of the hand.

Then I give you the ‘vacuum exercise’. You’ll drive the dog and your family bonkers with this one – but it’s most effective.

You might also be pleased to know, if you haven’t already reserved a
copy of Vol. 3 and 4, that I’m going to accept reservations for them at the special rate for 2 more days. This is in honor of the 2 ‘bonus chapters’ I created today.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Yesterday morning my daughter joined me in listening to Schubert’s transcendent ‘Octet’ for strings and winds performed by the Melos Ensemble. As we listened to the first movement I was reminded of a characterization a colleague made of chamber music. He said, ‘It’s like a conversation in which everyone speaks at once, and yet all are understood.’ So true of Schubert.

Then we danced around the room to the wonderful 6/8 Scherzo that followed.