How to Play With Feeling

This morning I received an email that really got me. Have a quick look;

Dear Mr.Haslop,

I am learning to play the violin for the past one year.
This weekend my teacher said I play all the notes correctly, but I give nothing to the music. He says I don’t feel the music.
How do I do that? What does it mean to play a piece of music with feeling?



As I say, reading this gets me right in the old heart muscle. So Geethanjali, let me give you a few thoughts.

Your teacher says you are playing the notes correctly. By that I take it that you are playing in tune and in rhythm, and that you can hear the Sound of the music in your head without actually playing it. Can you do this?

Once you have the ability to visualize or imagine yourself playing the music, you are ready for the next step to playing with feeling.

Now, as you listen to the music playing in your imagination notice whether you LIKE what you are hearing. Try to make every note a note that you LIKE to play.

Once you can enjoy each note you are ready to put that FEELING into your playing.

The next step is the most fun and creative of all. What you do is, listen to the music you are playing with feeling in your head and, at the same time, think what you can do on the violin to get others hearing what YOU are hearing.

If the music is strong, show it in your playing. Stand straight, play with a big tone, give extra weight to the notes you feel MOST strongly about. Are you beginning to get a picture, Geethanjali? I hope so.

You see, playing with feeling IS about feeling the music in your mind/heart/soul first. But once you have it really singing inside you, you must then us more imagination and energy to send it out through your violin.

And don’t be bashful or shy when you’re doing it. It’s fun!

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. I have one other thing to say. Since I began offering DVD coursesthrough Violin Mastery in July of 2006, I have filled several hundred orders. We DO occasionally have trouble with shipments. If you order a course from me and don’t receive it within 10-15 business days – unless I’ve told you it will be longer – please get in touch with me. Something has gone awry with the shipping and I want to set things right as soon as possible.