How to Have a Sensational Weekend

Well, it’s Monday morning. Just dropped my daughter off at school and now am sitting in the car in front of my dentist’s office waiting to go to have a couple crowns installed. Whoopee.

Yet what better place to lift my spirits than by hitting the old laptop and telling you how to treat yourself to an exceptional weekend.

Last September I gave my first master class here in Sedona. It was my seventh since opening the doors of Violin Mastery. And it was an unqualified success.

With just 4 attendees present, it was an intimate affair. The amount of one on one coaching for each player was extensive. Progress you could feel and hear was in evidence from the very first session, and it just got better and better from there, right through the entire 3 days.

One of the great aspects of the experience – and this has been true at every one of my seminars – was the feeling of mutual support and encouragement shown by one and all. We had a blast together, in addition to solving numerous technical and musical challenges.

And afterwards, I was pleased hear from participants how useful it had been to listen to the others play and respond to carefully considered input.

You see they’re teachers themselves, and were thrilled to go home with new insights and solutions to share with students.

And though the technical skills and experience of the participants varied to a fairly large extent, the focus and passion for the art everyone brought to it filled the room with meaning and purpose.

And here’s the good news, we’re going to do it again.

Only THIS time you can bring yourself along for the ride as well.

For my part I can assure you I’m not about to rest on my laurels, in fact I’ve every intension to make this one even superior to the last. I’ve certainly got some HOT, new ideas to share with those present.

And if you move right along, and are amongst the first six to register, you’re going to do so at a terrific recession-beating rate; my lowest ever.

I look forward to your presence in June.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. And once you’ve registered we can help with finding the purrfect accommodations, whether in our scenically unmatched campgrounds, remorselessly opulent resorts, or in all manner of establishments in between.