How to Dispel Why-Not-Tos

Funny thing, human nature. How often we’ll stamp out dreams before we’ve even shown them the light of day. For many, the why-not-tos’ are like a constant and strong headwind.

And due to them, any growth is dearly paid for.

Yesterday morning I heard from a busy mom with two kids. She thanked me for the first month’s installment of the ‘Beginner’s Circle’, which she’d just received. Then she revealed the subscription to be her first action in fulfilling a life-long dream.

Little does she know what a good move was made. And not for anything particular having to do with violin playing, me thinks.

You see, the first DVD in my beginner’s course starts with breathing. And there’s nothing like a good belly-breath to dispel a whole room full of why-not-tos.

When the diaphragm ‘lets go’, the body lets go. When the BODY lets go, the MIND lets go. And that’s when you can say a sweet good bye to the headwinds of self-limitation.

So you see, the mind can’t do all the lifting; especially when it comes to self-motivation. It’s rather like expecting a high-performance car to run its best on regular unleaded from a discount gas station. It just ain’t gonna happen.

So, if you want a spring in your step, a light in your eyes, and a song bursting out of your violin, get that diaphragm doing the job it was made to do. If you need reminding, get some notes up around the house, your workstation, or wherever else you spend time.

Especially your ‘dream time.’

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. In case you didn’t know, I’ve taken the DVD of month one of Violin Mastery Beginners Circle and made a separate little course out of it. I’d hurry, though, if you want it soon. I’ve only a couple in stock, and my supplier for this one loves to fish, in the summer.