How to Create Meaning

If you want to sleep better at night, do more work.
If you want meaning in your life, work at what you enjoy.

Just thought I would put that out there. Also, I think many may not have received my first newsletter. Here it is once again, in case you missed it:

‘…Last night I asked a friend and fellow violinist what she thought was the most difficult part of playing violin. She thought for a moment and said, ‘keeping up my practice.’

It wasn’t really what I expected, and I was a little taken aback. But after sleeping on it, I think she hit on a dilemma that touches us all, at one time or another.

You see, my friend is really saying the following. ‘The violin does not hold enough meaning for me. And I don’t have a strong enough reason to maintain the dedication it requires to excel at it.’

If you can relate to this you’re definitely not alone. I myself have felt these sentiments on occasion.

What I have learned about this is that I am the only one that can create the meaning. And the key to meaning, ironically perhaps, is meaningful doing.

When we talk ‘meaningful doing’ on the violin we’re talking about opening hearts. Yours, of course, is the most important one. A close second, however, are the hearts in the community which surrounds you.

No matter what your technical ability, you can find music, even the simplest of melodies, with which to unlock the heart of a fellow human being.

If you saw the Academy Awards show you heard the absolutely sublime melody Morricone wrote for the movie ‘The Mission’. Incredible.

Remember, putting it out there is important. And it’s not difficult to do it. Call the nearest nursing care facility and I guarantee you can have a performance set up in a matter of minutes. If that’s too much for you, take your fiddle the next time you go to a friend’s home. They will love you for it.

Now, if you get paid for touching other people, all the better. If you don’t, and Need to, find a way. People will shower you with support if you speak to their hearts. You can trust me on that.’

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Don’t forget that my mastercasses are currently available at a very special rate. What you take home with you will inform the fruits of your music making for a lifetime. All you need think about is, ‘who will I be sharing this joy with?’