Good Posture Rules

The past several days I’ve been doing exercises to strengthen my shoulder. Already I feel the results. And in doing these moves I’ve been reminded afresh just how important good posture is to a successful outcome.

In just about anything.

Take the exercises I’ve been doing. When I take a brief moment to assume good posture and draw a belly-breathe before I begin the set, I notice immediately that I am stronger and feel less pain in doing the moves.

I’m more relaxed, confident, alive, and tuned-in to what I’m doing in that moment.

Of course, when there’s serious injury and pain, the body’s natural response is to curl in the fetal position. Believe me, I was there a couple weeks ago, and standing up straight was not an option.

But once healing begins it is imperative to regain that true posture that separates us from any other species on the planet.

Over the years I’ve had many people ask me how to deal with nerves. Well, posture, along with diaphragm breathing are key elements of my strategy.

Bare in mind, however, you’re not going to get much of a lift if you ONLY do these things at concert time. You’ve got to practice them in.

In short, good form and proper breathing must be a way of life, for a becoming life.

Remember Jack LaLanne – he’s still going strong, at 90 something – he always said in talking about exercise, ‘Do it for life.’

One could say the same about posture. And boy, Jack’s posture was, and is, amazing.

Well, that’s it. Don’t exactly have a course on posture, though it’d be a great addition to any library. But I do have a pretty good one to get you breathing in a way that’ll transform your playing, and no doubt add some quality time to your life.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. A few folks have written asking about the ‘Demo’ Tania and I produced a few years back. By contract I cannot offer it for sale. But there is nothing that prevents me from Giving it away. Well, I just may do that and a whole lot more. For details look for my Father’s Day greeting Sunday.