Glimpse into a Skype Lesson…

Yesterday I spent a most enjoyable hour on coaching a new student on Skype.

We were spending time discovering how to play like a mule.

Not literally, but in a purely musical sense by way of the wonderful American composer Ferdie Grofe.

We spent a good deal on this particular video lesson realizing, in full panoramic sound, the famous violin solo from his “Grand Canyon Suite.”

Ferdie Grofe was absolutely spot-on in the conception of this piece – an animal’s take on “life on the trail.” His exploitation of the violin ‘special effects’ palate is masterful.

Yet there are several challenges to confront for the violinist. How to make the music really POP?

This is what I love doing on my private Skype lessons: make whatever music is being studied by my students pop more, MEAN more and SOUND more.

There are always several angles to make this happen:

First my role is as a builder of technique. Then there is the journey of inspiration – my role in expanding your vision. And always I’m there for you as an enthusiastic cheerleader. Whatever it takes to teach, motivate and inspire my private students – we ‘just do it’!

If YOU are open to delving deeply into your musical resources and making your violin SING, I strongly suggest you sign up for a private online lesson lesson.

Right now my Skype Coaching sessions are available at a specially discounted rate and we’re filling up fast!

So be sure to book your lesson with me now.

I look forward to seeing and coaching you soon!

All the Best, Clayton Haslop