Find Your Groove

To play your best, in any situation, you must be both relaxed and highly focused. In fact, one of the most important functions of practice is finding that state and learning it so well that you can summon yourself to it at will.

No matter what is going on around you.

There’s a nice little bonus to this. It’s a beautiful space to be in.

So why are we not there 24/7, as the new saying goes? Good question.

The most obvious reason is tiredness; probably 75% of you reading this are really getting enough sleep.

Two more subtle and insidious factors are; the constant, background fear we carry around of what others think of us, and guilt. We don’t feel we’ve done enough, or are worthy enough.

Gotta let those go, my friend, the promised land is waiting.

In order to DO your best you must be FREE to BE your best. It’s that simple. So go ahead, take a deep belly breath and make your day.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. And don’t forget, ”Kreutzer for Violin Mastery” can support you in your highest playing aspirations.