“Do It For Life” – Jack LaLanne

Those of you of a certain age will remember Jack LaLanne. You don’t see much of him around these days, yet I can assure you he is alive and kicking. Literally.

Jack La Lanne was an early fitness expert on TV, back when it was black and white. In fact, his fitness show ran Nationally for 24 years; critics gave it 6 weeks. His physical exploits are legend. A quick visit to Wikipedia will amaze and confound.

And he still works out 2 hours a day – at 94.

Anyway, Jack’s moto has always been, ‘Do it for life.’ As you can see, this 2nd generation Frenchman has enjoyed a full one.

This morning I received an question. The person wanted to know whether someone who is not far advanced would nonetheless be wasting some time – and money – by subscribing from the beginning of the ‘Beginners Circle’.

This is how I answered;

Dear Bill,

I’ve had more than several people in a similar place ask me this question. I’ve always recommended to them that they become an annual subscriber. Then I’ve sent the entire course – or what was completed at the time – so they could move through the early months at a quicker pace, and yet benefit from insights on playing mechanics in the early months that are incredibly helpful.

Some did not take me up on this. To a person, those that have have offered only praise and thanks for the progress they’ve made from taking my instructions.

Clayton Haslop

Well, as you can see I do not regard any part of the investment as misspent. There isn’t a DVD of mine out there that even an experienced player can’t learn Something from.

Now, here’s a little secret that pertains to all of this. My next email will announce a way for wonderful way for you to learn the violin from Everything I have to offer for less of an investment than EVER before.

It will be BIG so don’t stray to far from that screen in front of you.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Notice there’s no link to a violin course today? What’s old Clayton playing at here.