And This, Is What I Said

Last week I was invited for an interview on a new online radio show It features guests who are walking through life ‘off the beaten path.’

I guess playing the violin these days qualifies one for such distinction.

Well I’m game for just about anything, so I agreed without hesitation.

The conversation covered quite a bit of ground; my early experiences with the violin, life in Hollywood, feelings about music, studies with Milstein, and more. After the fact, the show’s producer interspersed the interview with samples of my playing.

Last night I received a link to the program.

Now, my first instinct was to hit the delete key. In the past I’d usually felt awkward in interviews. I was afraid of finding myself sounding this way again.

But then I recalled the feelings I had during the interview. I wasn’t anxious or nervous. I felt calm, happy, and at times inspired.

After all, I thought to myself, I do LIKE what I’m doing in life.

So, I sat down and listened.

Yep, it was good. At least it was from my perspective. In fact I was so pleased at the way the message came across – the musical bits add so much – I’m going to give you the opportunity to tune in as well. You can do so right now, in fact, by going to

One last little secret I’ll let you in on. The host and producer is none other than Tania Gabrielle, my wife and life-long companion. And what a gifted interviewer she is!

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Once you’ve heard the show you may just want to get a course of mine that you’ve had your eyes on for some time.