A Weekend to Remember

I don’t know about you, but Martin Luther King weekend 2007 will be one I’ll remember for a long time to come. And I think it safe to say each attendee at the Violin Artistry Masterclass/Seminar would tell you the same thing.

We’re talking a plethora of truly ‘Eureka’ moments.

The eye openings you could have witnessed, or experienced yourself had you been there, were akin to someone who sees Yosemite Valley after a lifetime living in Kansas.

After all, when you go from a bundle of tension and constriction, to moving the bow and fingers of the left hand with the ease of water flowing downstream it’s a pretty moving experience.

And when you shine a light on every last unconscious, contrary, and self-defeating movement a player is making, and replace them with dynamic, focused, supremely efficient movements, you’re generate some incredible transformations. Particularly when they’re combined with really decisive musical intention. Then, blast off time!

I mean, Milstein himself would have been proud of the Bach ‘Preludio’ playing that filled the room at times this weekend – and believe me, I knew first hand the kind of sounds he enjoyed hearing out of a violin.

He also would have applauded the supple pliancy introduced into many a left hand; and the deep, profound insights into the process of practicing.

Again I think it safe to say that everyone present was amazed and delighted to learn how much more there is to the art of practice then they had realized.

In short it could not have been a more positive and productive event. At the close, attendees pleaded to have the tapes made available for further reference. And though I had taped only with the intention of documenting the event for my own use and edification I have relented and will make them available, on a very limited basis, to both the attendees and to you, a subscriber to this newsletter.

Just to give you a sense of how packed full of revelation the event was, when I suggested to the class that I would want to edit down the sessions, they implored me to leave everything in, saying they couldn’t imagine doing without anything that was imparted. Well, I’ll still have a look.

In any case, I will let you know soon when DVDs of this event can be ordered. I will also be making public the dates of the next masterclass/seminars. I can’t wait to get on with the party, and hope you’ll be with us at the next one – oh yes, many that were present for this one will be back, we’re just getting started.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Speaking of getting started, Kreutzer for Violin Mastery is a must if you’re looking to take yourself to the top of the mountain, where the air is pure and rarified. Are’ you ready for adventure?