A Must Read, from Clayton

Today I’m announcing the dates of the next two Masterclass/Seminars. But first, I’m so worked up from the practice session I just finished I’ve got to tell you about it.

A little background – In two weeks I will be at the Vermont Mozart Festival where my duties will include performing the D and A Major Mozart Concertos, a few sonatas, a few Paganini Caprices, ‘Ferdinand the Bull’, some Bach, AND the Mendelssohn Concerto. The performances take place over 4 days, mind you.

But the important thing for you to know, unless you’re ready to book a flight to Vermont, is what happened today as I played through the Mendelssohn Concerto.

When I’m playing for memory I want to see clearly the actual notes I’m playing in my ‘mind’s eye.’ Today I was not only ‘seeing’ the music, I was seeing myself count the music as I played as well.

If you’ve incorporated counting in your practice, as I suggest you do, you might think, ‘Yea, I do that.’

But what I was doing today was a little different, actually. I was observing myself counting silently in my mind’s eye while I was visualizing the music, and at full tempo, and while playing all out.

Wow is it exciting when you KNOW you can’t miss, from one end of a concerto to the other.

Now, speaking of ‘can’t miss’ the next pair of masterclass/seminars are certainly in this category. The dates are now up on the website and I’m thrilled to say you will be able to attend these events for less than EVER before…providing you are one of the first 6 to register!

We are even getting a better deal on rooms at the Biltmore, if you choose to stay there. But again, the Biltmore has only guaranteed 5 rooms at this amazing rate.

AND, as an added bonus, I will be throwing in a recital for those able to arrive by 4 PM on the Friday before each class.

In a moment I’m going to send you to page on the website from which you can register. But first, just consider these words from Bill Paquin, a recent attendee;

‘You said on your website that the experience would change my life… and I believe you have succeeded! Your techniques do bring a greater sense of enjoyment, accomplishment, and relaxation while practicing. I cannot thank you enough for the delightful time I had, and would not hesitate for one second, recommending it to all violin players regardless of their level of playing. I plan on attending many more in the future.’

Just so you know, I’m looking for my first sellouts on these. The tuition is starting at the lowest rate possible. But I must raise it after the first 6 seats are spoken for at each event. Come reserve yours now.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Butler University just ordered the complete Kreutzer a couple hours ago. I trust all their fiddlers will be ready for Paganini by next year so if you want to get the jump on them you’d better reserve your copy of ”Kreutzer for Violin Mastery” right now.