A Musical Healing

I’m happy to report that last night’s premiere of Tania’s 3rd string quartet was indeed a resounding success.

As I mentioned previously, the commission was funded by the estate of a dearly loved member of the Tucson community. About 20 family members and friends traveled, from as far away as Honolulu and New York City, to hear the performance.

The last two movements of Tania’s quartet transported us to an exquisite state of peacefulness; many of the audience members commented on feeling the effect. It’s why I called this email ‘A Musical Healing.’

Actually there’s another reason, but we’ll get to that.

The Artis Quartet of Vienna acquitted themselves beautifully throughout the entire concert. Theirs is a style of playing that is rarely heard in this country; always elegant, polished, subtle, and nuanced. You are swept away by the exquisite wealth of detail.

Happily, today I have some other exciting news
. I’m unveiling it for the first time Right Now. Go to check it out Now.

All the best,
Clayton Haslop

P.S. You won’t want to miss this special announcement.