Now See What I’ve Gone and Done

The last of the Thanksgiving leftovers disappeared at supper last night. And having let out a notch on my belt this morning I’m anxious to burn some calories packing up and shipping hot-off-the-press, life-altering DVD courses on violin playing – to You.

Indeed so anxious am I to perform this work that I’ve put together my most dramatic Holiday Saleabration ever. We’re talking 35 to 40 purr-cent off my usual ‘tuition’. Yes, on Everything I’ve created.

I strongly urge you to take full advantage of this opportunity.
There will not be another like it for a good many moons.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. I know that things have gotten tight for many people of late. Folks are increasingly looking toward home and hearth to provide meaning and focus in these uncertain times; the same venue in which the magic of the violin bestows its richest rewards. So whether you’re a beginner, an intermediate, or a truly advanced player I hope you will allow me to share with you, in your own abode, the insights of