Mind-lock with Your Listener

So, the holidays upon, which sometimes has folks feeling their purpose is to get frenzied and stressed out.

Not here, they don’t. And if you’ve been a practicing with my instructional DVD materials I bet you’ve got a pretty good handle on things as well.

Now, this is a gem today so pay attention. When you play for an audience you MUST see yourself mind/hear/soul-linked with them. And for the time you’re playing you are nourishing them with the developed contents of your being.

The Etheric contents, that is. You know, airy-fairy stuff. Stuff that many don’t like to use words for, in some cases, because the naming of this stuff has been the fuel for conflict from time immemorial.

Especially when talking about the spiritual realm; the meat of the matter.

Point is, it’s real, however you talk about it, and as a human being playing an inherently soulful instrument you’d better deal with it.

Now, those of you working with me are on the right track. The reason I can say this is, in order to make a connection you must have technique. It’s like the radio signal coming into a radio receiver. When it’s obstructed or distorted you’ve a problem getting a message anywhere.

Course technique is about a lot of things. Not too many to number, perhaps, but too many to write here, that’s for sure. Yet I can name the Biggest constituent of a fluent technique.

Abundant consciousness.

You can only play with utter conviction that which flows through your consciousness in each moment. You must be, in a real sense, channeling and translating the Truth in real time.

There cannot be a greater argument for the visualization, relaxation, and consciousness-increasing practice strategies I bring to the violin.

Relaxation is the key to projection, rhythmic awareness is the key to clarity of signal, and visualization is the way-station of content.

So, keep it up with the belly-breathing, counting and visualizing. This winter can be the Spring of your Creative Life.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. VERY IMPORTANT, I am leaving the Holiday Sale open just a couple more days. This IS the best time in the 3 year life of Violin Mastery for investing in one of my instructional DVD courses.