Why You Don’t Have the ‘Milstein Sound’

I don’t know about you, but what I’m interested in, after the basic necessities have been met, are feelings and ideas.

That’s it.

Now, you may be a wondering why I’m saying this. Well, its cause in the last few days I’ve gotten a few emails from people getting a very wrong impression of me.

I don’t worship anybody or anything. Not even crosses.

I DO celebrate and appreciate plenty. And my appreciation is meted out according to how much this or that does to put food in my stomach, a roof over my head, stimulating ideas into my brain, or loving feelings in my body.

And please don’t for a minute believe I do not have a life in Spirit. Matter of fact, the more I live the more I place value on my life and wellbeing in Spirit. For ‘in Spirit’ is found all the Truth in me. It is the very stuff that identifies me with my Creator.

And believe you me, I get a great feeling from that.

So how does this translate onto the violin. Well, I’ll tell you. The violin is a vehicle for entertaining ideas and feelings leading to celebration and appreciation.

Technique and musicianship figure into this, from my view, only insofar as they assist me on the path. Once I’ve reached a goal they are good enough, until I decide on a new goal. And so it goes.

I guess you could call what I have said the ‘mission statement’ of Violin Mastery. That is, to be of service insofar as you have certain goals to reach and the violin is your vehicle to reach them.

What I try to do, in my courses and programs, is to give you tools with which to lift yourself to new levels of celebration and appreciation.

How you direct it is up to you.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. This morning I played a lot of Paganini. As I did so I appreciated and celebrated all that was passed on to me from Nathan Milstein. You too may benefit from his wisdom in my instructional DVD course, ‘Paganini for Violin Virtuosity, Vol. 1.’