Move Through Your Fear

I understand that one of the great fears many people have today is that of performing before other people.

A couple weeks ago, just days prior to the Novice/Intermediate masterclass, I received a phone call from a participant who was having a severe case of cold feet over this very thing.

Naturally I persuaded him to take the plunge. And he came out the other side feeling better than ever about playing.

You see, performing in public is no different than executing any task you set for yourself. And when we fail at it, it is due to one of two reasons. Either we did not prepare well enough, or we allowed past feelings of inadequacy to spoil the show.

Actually, I find that most people have some combination of both.

My masterclasses are as supportive an environment for growth as you are likely to find anywhere. Why? Because first and foremost it is about getting the goals you have set for yourself accomplished.

Once you see the magic and exhilaration that comes with ‘slam-dunk’ preparation, the little monkey of self-defeatism on your right shoulder just slinks down your back and hightails it for the nearest zoo.

Some of the real highlights at the classes are when a player does something with real purpose and conviction, and simultaneously gains renewed confidence by seeing the response of the other players in the room.

Yesterday I announced the dates and special tuition rate available to the first six to sign up in each class. As I write this we have three seats left at the special rate for the Novice/Intermediate class and five seats left at the Advanced class.

Don’t let these rates slip away, now’s the time to act!