How to Sharpen Your Vision

No, I’m not going to tell you to eat more carrots, clean your glasses, or consider Lasiks surgery. It’s vision of the musical sort I’m talking about today. And for it you don’t need those two, miraculous orbs in the front of your head.

Musical vision really takes place within the theatre of the mind, you see. And it can involve colors, picture painting, narrative, or even more abstract content.

But whatever it is, it had better be compelling to an audience when channeled into your instrument.

And it should be fun to do!

It’s the ultimate play, in many respects; like solving a puzzle, going on an adventure to a place you’ve never been, or mixing colors and playing with finger-paints.

I like to engage in this process even whilst doing scales – I certainly do it while playing Kreutzer and Paganini.

All you need to do to get the ball rolling is to open your mind to possibilities…and breathe.

Then, begin listening to the music, before playing a note. Once ‘the theatre’ is up and running let the inspiration flow down to your hands. Then the real fun can begin.

When something comes out of your instrument that doesn’t agree with the program, just stop, breathe again, and let your imagination find the adjustments to be made.

Then try again.

Sometimes you must really stretch yourself physically to get a result. This is good.

Sometimes you must take a risk musically – do something that is not even indicated. THIS can be thrilling!

Toscanini was famous for exhorting, “Play as written, now PUT something.” Both require images formed in the theatre of the mind.

You can bet your bippy we’ll be doing quite a bit of vision forming at the Masterclass/Seminars in January and February. Don’t miss out on these one-of-a-kind opportunities.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Those of you already registered in the masterclass/seminars will be receiving information on Hotels and Car rentals very soon. Cheers!