When It Does Happen

As I write this I’m sitting in our living room listening to the soundtrack to the film ‘Ratatouille’. Wow, the energy is just EXPLODING out from the speakers.

I must say this is one brilliantly composed, orchestrated, and performed movie score.

And it does make a good jumping off point for talking about the most important ingredient of excellence, in any endeavor.

I’m talking about vision.

One MUST create a strong mental image of the goal you are trying to achieve.

For a violinist this means a sound, a color, an effect, or a musical intention, a location to shift to, etc. You hold it in your mind, emotionalize it; you take note of your progress, making adjustments as needed with each repetition.

A few days ago I began practicing again after a two-week hiatus. Let me tell you, I was stiff indeed. And though my muscles and tendons complained loudly, I did not back down. I demanded that my vision for the session be satisfied before letting them off the hook for the night.

When I began the session I really didn’t know HOW I was going to get there. The disparity between my vision and the state of my left hand was extraordinary. I worked up quite a sweat, and I endured more than just a little discomfort.

As I’ve said previously, the violin is NOT for sissies.

But there is ALWAYS a way, a path forward. So set your sights high. Magnify the vision in your mind, heart and soul.

Then, when it comes time to put the violin under your chin, assume that exquisite state where maximum relaxation intersects with the utmost in focus…and enjoy the ride!

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Last night I decided to perform the D Minor Partita of Bach and the “Kreutzer Sonata” of Beethoven on the Biltmore recital kicking off the February Masterclass. These were favorites of my mentor, Nathan Milstein, and he played them both in his last public concert. I do have 2 seats remaining at the discounted tuition for this seminar. The bonus recital will be just the beginning of a memorable experience.