How to Play the Certain Way

Yesterday I had a concept running through my head all day long; like a tune you just can’t stop humming.

I first read it in a very valuable treatise on self-development penned in the early years of the 20th century by Wallace D. Wattles. Wattles, by the way, is today recognized as the founder of the ‘motivational movement’ that has inspired hundreds of thousands to entrepreneurial success in this country.

Not only is it a great read, its message is as appropriate to violin playing as it is to the stated subject, the accumulation of wealth.

Just have a look at the following passage;

‘The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a Certain Way; those who do things in the Certain Way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich; while those who do not do things in the Certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.’

He goes on to say that ‘It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects.’ That, very simply, is the basis of my instructional DVD courses.

But let’s return to this notion of the Certain Way. For me the concept implies two things, one obvious, one rather more subtle.

Most of us would immediately think that doing something in a certain way means doing it in a particular, or fixed way. That is true.

But beyond this lies something more profound. The deeper implication speaks to a kind of foreknowledge. When you act in a ‘Certain Way’ you act with inner surety informed by purpose, and feeling.

It is not just an empty formula that is slathered freely like mustard on a hotdog bun.

Yes, I’m talking about Vision, about Intention, about Passion.

Without these qualities you have an empty vessel with nothing in it to nourish or sustain a human being.

Not a good state of affairs for an artist/violinist.

So, when you view the instructional DVDs you have received from me, you must take the visualization process seriously. Your visualizations must carry physical sensations. Sensations that are pleasing, exhilarating, relaxing, or whatever is appropriate to the music at hand.

What is the FEELING of the right hand passing through space in a straight line parallel to the bridge in Kreutzer #5?

Get that feeling before you touch the string with the bow and you’ll be a doer of the Certain Way. It’s that simple.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. If you’re ready to transform your playing, and your Experience of playing, ”Kreutzer for Violin Mastery”, is your ticket to success.