Getting Fit as a Fiddle on Paganini

If you haven’t had anything in your mailbox from me since last Tues., don’t worry. Your spam filter isn’t working overtime.

I’ve been taking a wee break, actually. But never fear, I haven’t been idle and will be back at the keyboard soon as I finish my latest humdinger of a course.

This one’s a doozy, and it’s taking more focus than anything I’ve done yet. It’s Paganini time here in Asheville. And the first volume of ‘Paganini for Violin Virtuosity’ will be comin’ at you soon.

And as usual I’m performing them ‘live’ without the benefit of editing. You see, I want to show you just what kind of ‘stuff’ you can have by using my methods.

But you DO have to apply yourself, especially if you’ve a mind to record the likes of #24, clean, and in one pass. BANG.

Once the performances are down, I’ll begin explaining and demonstrating how I’ve made it happen.

For now, however, I will only tell you this. I’m doggone sure all the Kreutzer work I did while creating ‘Kreutzer for Violin Mastery’ is paying off big-time as I do this.

The focus, discipline, technical security, stamina – you name it – that come from working all 42 of those etudes with the insights of a Milstein at your disposal WILL transform your playing.

Good new is, there are still a few copies of that groundbreaking course in our stock room.

So, while I go about finishing my ‘Show on Nicolo’ may I suggest you get ’wiser with Kreutzer’ by ordering your copy today. And I do suggest taking advantage of the 20+% discount you receive by ordering all four volumes together.

The added benefit of doing this is you will have all the pieces of the Kreutzer ‘puzzle’ right at your fingertips. Looking at segments ahead of where you’re working will shed a great deal of additional light on what you’re doing.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. I do have some seats still available for the ”Secrets of Effortless Playing Masterclasses”. These will be tremendous events and sure to exceed any expectation you may hold of them. Come, be a part of the magic!