How Failure Can Work For You

A few years ago I auditioned for the concertmaster chair of the LA Phil. I successfully negotiated 3 rounds of auditions and a chamber music session. Then, the audition committee unanimously recommended that I play with the orchestra.

Well, it was not to be. Those of you who know orchestra politics will know that these things are rarely so straightforward.

You see, conductor and managing director had other ideas. They wanted a ‘name’ at the head of their orchestra and I was just the local boy. Now don’t get me wrong.

I ain’t a cryun’ sour grapes.

I don’t have time for them, and neither should you. Soon after that ‘failure’ I was playing 1st fiddle in the New Hollywood String Quartet. Now I’m creating instructional DVDs and loving every minute of it.

The point is, we all need to keep our options open. Yes, you could call them ‘plan Bs’, but whatever you call them, keep a few in your back pocket.

Besides, who wants a life that’s just a ‘one-horse’ ride. And what is true of life is equally true of your playing.

Now, for some of the hottest, most effective ways to get more ‘horse power’ into YOUR playing, I strongly suggest you get started working with my hot-off-the-press ”Kreutzer for Violin Mastery, Vol. 1”.

All the best,
Clayton Haslop

P.S. Warning – What you will learn about imaging, counting, and breathing out loud will just about blow your mind.