Practice Sessions That Change Your Life

Many people today, and there may be a few of you reading this email, are feeling that life is passing them by, and that few of their dreams are being realized. If this is not you, then you needn’t read further.

Now then, if you are still with me, let’s talk. Last night I was reminded of three pillars that are absolutely essential for a successful life. They are: VISIONBREATH, and COUNTING. Are you surprised? For the uninitiated you may well be, let me explain.

When I talk about VISION I am not talking about the service your eyes perform for you. No, I am talking about a very advanced brain function that we share with precious few species on this planet. I am talking about what some refer to as ‘the theatre of your mind.’

Does that give you an image? It should. Creating goals and then visualizing them in your ‘mind’s eye’ creates a target, a clear and present target, toward which you will move like a bee to a blossom.

By BREATH I mean something considerably more than the shallow, minimal-for-life type breaths most of us take in the course of a mediocre day.

I am talking about conscious breath, the breath that comes from your belly and is infused with intention. These are the breaths that activate the deeper parts, the creative parts, the parts of your brain that will problem solve and strategize for you.

And the great news is that those areas, once activated, will provide you with inspirations and ideas, free of charge! It is merely their purpose in life to help you succeed. In return they require only one thing.

They require that you to COUNT; that you keep track. You must tell your higher brain how far you have come. How far you have to go. You must tabulate for it everything that can be tabulated, everything that can be measured, in short everything that has any bearing whatsoever on the goal(s) you have set for yourself. This data is the grist for the mill that is your activated higher brain.

Do these three things and you will change your life.

Do these three things in your violin practice, and your playing will take off like a rocket headed for the moon. The beautiful thing is, you can use the same techniques you use to practice most effectively to live most effectively.

”Kreutzer for Violin Mastery, Vol. 1” will teach you how to do all three of the things I just talked about. Don’t you think you had better jump over and grab one?

All the best,
Clayton Haslop

P.S. While you are there, click on the link to my Kreutzer Masterclass, indicate your interest in coming, and then make it one of your lesser life goals to perform all the etudes on Vol.1.