The Hidden Power Of Sound

Today’s newsletter is going to be a little bit different. Usually I write about matters specifically related to the violin. Today I would like to draw your attention to the broader subject of how our bodies and minds are affected by the sounds in our environment.

Most of us just accept and try to tune out unpleasant sounds. Fact is, perhaps we should be doing more than that.

Science has shown that certain ‘negatively charged’ sound can undermine our immune system, create feelings of stress and anxiety, and adversely affect mental function.

The kicker is, this is true of music as well.

There are several studies, for instance, which have measured the physical performance of athletes while listening to hard rock on the one hand, and mellow classical music on the other.

Guess what music produced the most productive workouts? Yep, listening to classical music lowered heart rates and allowed athletes to train longer and more effectively.

Now, I could go on for quite a while on this subject, but there is someone who can do it a great deal better. I think you should pop over to her site and take a look at what she has to say. You won’t be disappointed.

All the best,
Clayton Haslop

P.S. Once you have all the facts concerning the hidden power of music, you will want to redouble your commitment to the positive effects of your violin playing. ”Kreutzer for Violin Master