Now A Painter, Now A Sculptor

As you know painting is an additive process. You create by applying strokes of new color until a picture emerges.

Sculpting, as I believe Michelangelo remarked, is about subtracting from the stone everything that does not look like the desired object.

As a violinist learning a new skill, you are like the painter. You’re adding new muscle awareness and control to the canvass of your technique.

As a veteran player you’re often more the sculptor, removing that which is impeding the effortless flow of music coming from your instrument.

These thoughts came to me two nights ago as I was playing Kreutzer 39. It was an excellent night of playing. My left hand felt as though it was as beautifully formed as those of Michelangelo’s ‘David’; firm, polished, and yet perfectly functional.

As a result, my intonation through 2 pages of double stopping was spot on. I could hear the ‘resultant tones’ I spoke of in a previous newsletter dancing like the shadows of children cavorting in sunlight.

This is the kind of pleasure that comes through consistent and conscious practice. Enjoy.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Whether you are primarily a painter or a sculptor you need a crystal clear vision of the final result. That kind of vision is what you will immerse yourself in for 3 full days at the Violin Mastery Mastercalss/Seminar coming your way this January. Don’t miss it!