Friday The 13th, Your Lucky Day

In my humble opinion, Friday the 13th has gotten a raw deal for way too long. And today I’m reinventing this calendar event by offering a one day ‘Friday the 13th Special.’ Order ‘Kreutzer for Violin Mastery’ or reserve a seat at the Masterclass/Seminar today and I will send you a wonderfully listenable CD of the Haslop/Sanders duo absolutely free. Today only, a FREE CD with every order.

Now, some people may wonder why I don’t sell my CDs on this site. Simply, it’s just not what I’m about. What I offer here is about making you a better violinist, not tooting my own horn.

It’s not that I’m not proud of my work. This CD has some wonderful music on it. Music you will not hear anywhere else, and music that is beautifully played. Jack Sanders and I performed together for 10 years.

Just before recording this CD we toured China. Our concerts there had very much the feel of out door rock concerts in the US of A. We had to be amplified because people came and went, talked, ate, and generally carried on their lives as we performed. It was kind of a rush playing in such an environment, really. I mean, it wasn’t that we were having trouble being heard – the volume was blasting.

After concerts we were met at our hotel by groups of enthusiastic fans wanting autographs. It was truly extraordinary.

Bare in mind, this was 1988. Things may be a little more sophisticated now. China was still emerging from the unfortunate effects of the ‘cultural revolution’ then.

In any case, we had a fantastic, interesting time. It’s much different visiting distant locales as a performer than as a tourist. One gets a much more up close and personal few of things.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop