Bumps In The Road

Recently my wife, daughter, and I were driving on a dirt road with quite a few large ruts and potholes in it. After we had gone over a couple of them, the car rocking back and forth, our daughter started saying, ‘bump!’, after each one, and then giggling infectiously.

Pretty soon all three of us were ‘bumping!’ and giggling as we went.

Naturally we all encounter some bumps and ruts on the road of life. Those that can surrender to the turbulence, say ‘bump!’, and move forward unfazed are truly blessed.

Recently I have had some bumps in my practice. Perhaps it is the changing seasons, perhaps I over did it with some upper body exercises I was doing, but whatever the cause my hands have been unusually stiff and uncooperative.

I wish I could say that I have responded each day to this extended rut with a ‘bump!’ and a giggle. I haven’t always. But I have stayed the course.

Last night whatever was holding my hands hostage broke off it’s siege. What a relief to have unbridled velocity back in the mix.

The point of sharing this with you is merely to offer encouragement to ‘stay the course’ if you find yourself in a slump. If you can look at such times with grace and humor, make whatever adjustments need to be made – I have stopped doing the strength moves for the time being, and move forward unfazed, wonderful.

The important thing is to move forward. To stay the course.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Get started on the high road to violin mastery today.