What Matters

Yesterday I received an email from a guy interested in coming to the Violin Mastery Masterclass/Seminar. He wanted to know at what level he must be able to play in order to attend.

My knee jerk response – and I’m glad I didn’t act on it, was to tell him, intermediate to advanced. After all, that’s who I regard as the main audience for ‘Kreutzer for Violin Mastery.’

It was fortunate that I didn’t have time to write and send that message.

You see the past couple days I have been in attendance at an extraordinary seminar on marketing, of all things. But let me tell you something, if parents knew and appreciated the value of half of what I’m learning here, they would demand it be taught in the schools. It’s that good.

Be that as it may, at this morning’s session something was said that turned a brilliant light on in my brain about the question posed and the true value and reach of my event.

To the fellow with the question I wrote this;
‘I do not care what level you are at right now. I am only interested in how committed you are to improving. A student who is passionate to improve is an asset to any class.’

To the rest of you I have this to add.

‘If you think that this event will be just about violin playing, you will be greatly mistaken. It will affect your attitude and posture in life, the role of music in your life and those around you. It will open your mind to undreamt of possibilities for self-development. It may even alter your chosen career path. It will definitely bring greater abundance into your life, artistically, and, very likely, materially.’

All that is required of you, in return, is a ridiculously small fee, a plane ticket, some money for hotel and food, and a commitment to learn Everything you possibly can from me in those 3 days.

Fulfill these and your life will be transformed. Forever.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. By the way, my ‘ridiculously small fee’ will rise to a ‘laughably small fee’ in only a matter of days now. If I were you, and I know I’m not, I would take the former.