3 Newsletters To Remember

Wow! The response to our Holiday Extravaganza has been amazing.

Of course it is wonderful to see so many more fiddlers getting on board with the Kreutzer program, but the reception given my newest course, ‘Kreisler and Bach for Violin Artistry’ really sent me to the moon.

So I don’t forget. We had a glitch with our web server this evening. It’s likely that several of you couldn’t access our site during that time.

Therefore, we’re going to keep the party going for another 24 hours to make amends. I hope it will do the trick.

Now for the big news. Starting on Friday, I am going to send you 3 newsletters that I hope you will find worthy of printing out and referring to often.

Consider them my little thank you presents for all your support.

Each day I’m going to focus on one aspect of playing. Friday will be bow arm day. Saturday left hand day. And Monday practice day. In each of the newsletters I’m going to go through common pitfalls that an attentive player does not need to fall into. And I’ll tell you HOW not to.

I think you will find them highly worthwhile. If, for some reason – spam blockers can be ruthless – you don’t see them in your ‘mailbox’, hop on over to ‘Violin Secrets’ and stay informed.

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Once again here are the links.
‘Kreutzer for Violin Mastery’
‘Violin Artistry Masterclass/Seminar’
‘Bach and Kreisler for Violin Artistry’