Staying Real In A Real Time Art

A couple years ago my wife was giving composition lessons to fellow from Texas who flew to LA every so often for that specific purpose. There he was, a successful jingle and TV composer who nonetheless saw the need for further growth as an artist. Now that’s dedication.

Anyway, one day the three of us were talking after one such meeting and he remarked to me how much he respected live performers like myself. He said, ‘When you perform, you do it in ‘real time.’ Composition isn’t subject to such a condition.’

At the time it gave me pause for thought and a little boost in the self-appreciation department as a bonus.

Tonight the incident was recalled, but within a very different context.

I’m sitting in a room at the Marriott Hotel in Tampa Florida. Just finished the first of three days of sessions given by a marketing guru by the name of Matt Furey. Wish you all could be here. Fascinating stuff.

At the session he touched on something he called ‘self-suggestion.’ This is where you visualize a goal you want to achieve and, at the same time, instruct yourself to ‘Do It’ in an authoritative voice.

Well, I want that kind of dynamic thinking goin’ on when I play the fiddle. You should too.

The mental picture must have as much detail as possible. The Feeling, Sound, and Visual Image of what you have before you are all important. Then put passion behind them with a good, strong, ‘Do It.’

Working with the models and insights I provide in ‘Kreutzer For Violin Mastery’ as good a way as I know to acquire a Vision worth acting upon. Once you have it you’ll have a much easier time instructing yourself to ‘do it.’ Pick up your copy today at

All the best,

Clayton Haslop

P.S. Now visualize how wonderful it will feel to transform your playing at my Violin Artistry Masterclass/Seminar in January. Should be a cinch to say ‘do it’ and reserve your place now.